
Paneer Butter Masala Recipe

If there’s one dish that’s a favourite among Indian food enthusiasts, it’s undoubtedly paneer butter masala. Rich, creamy, and bursting with flavours, this dish will leave you with a plate full of flavours.

However, this traditional paneer butter masala recipe often comes with a generous amount of butter and cream, making it not the healthiest option for those watching their diet.

But fear not!

With a few simple twists and the addition of healthy ingredients, you can enjoy this paneer butter masala recipe guilt-free.


1. Physically refined sunflower oil
2. Fresh Cream
3. Paneer
4. Cashews
5. Almonds
6. Low-fat yogurt or coconut milk
7. Bell peppers
8. Spinach
9. Peas
10. Cloves
11. Cardamom
12. Cinnamon


Choose The Best Cooking Oil, Choose Doctors’ Choice Cooking Oil:

One of the first steps to healthify paneer butter masala is to reconsider the cooking oil. While butter adds richness, it also brings along saturated fats. Opting for a healthier alternative like Doctors’ Choice physically refined rice bran oil can make a significant difference.

Not only does physically refined rice bran oil offer a neutral flavour that won’t overpower the spices, but also offers several health benefits. With its high smoke point and abundance of antioxidants, rice bran oil ensures your dish is cooked to perfection while promoting heart health and lowering cholesterol levels.

Use Cream In A Moderate Amount:

Another way to lighten up paneer butter masala is by reducing the amount of cream used in the recipe. Instead, you can achieve creaminess by blending soaked cashews or almonds with low-fat yogurt or coconut milk. This not only adds a luscious texture but also enhances the nutty flavour profile of the dish.

Adding Extra-Veggies Adds To The Health Benefits:

To further boost the nutritional value, consider adding extra veggies like bell peppers, spinach, or peas into the gravy. These additions not only add colour and texture but also provide essential vitamins and minerals, making your paneer butter masala a wholesome meal.
Lastly, don’t forget about the spices! 

Add Aromatic Spices For a Flavourfull Twist:

Amp up the flavour with aromatic spices like cloves, cardamom, and cinnamon, while reducing the amount of salt used. This way, you can enjoy a flavorful dish without compromising on taste or health.

So, next time you’re craving this iconic dish, whip it up with rice bran oil, yogurt, and an extra dose of veggies for a guilt-free indulgence.

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